The New Testament places the spiritual governance of a local church body in the hands of Elders. Elders should not confuse their role with those of the implementers of ministry, which falls to the Founding Leaders, Staff, and volunteers. Rather, Elders govern by defining, refining, confirming, and overseeing the vision, direction, and values of UPPERROOM which are set forth by the Founding Leaders and implemented by the Staff and volunteers. Elders are trusted and respected mothers and fathers who help provide pastoral guidance, counsel, and correction to UPPERROOM congregants.

The main Scriptural texts that outline the requirements of leaders are 1 Timothy 3:1-3, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Acts 6:1-6, and Exodus 18:21-22. The qualifications in these passages can be summarized as commitment, conviction, competency, and character. We never expect perfection, but we do want every leader to strive for excellence, integrity, and vulnerability. As church leaders, we are examples to everyone in the community in every facet of our life.